Worship for Yellow
Since the very beginning of the Chinese civilization, yellow has been placed in a position far above all the other…
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Since the very beginning of the Chinese civilization, yellow has been placed in a position far above all the other…
In his book XiJinZhiJiYi, the late Yuan-dynastywriter Xiong Mengxiang described the activities of Beijing residents on the Yuan xiao Festival.In…
The Feng xiang clay doll from Shanxi Province is a clay folkart and craft,and also a very popular toy loved…
Clay Statue Zhang of Tianjin is a school of folk clay statues,originated from the Qing Dynasty(1644-1911) , created by a…
Chuan Cuisine Chuan Cuisine is also known as Sichuanstyle dishes.As one of the eight culinary traditions, it is animportant part…
Lu Cuisine, also called Shandong Cuisine, is originated from the native cooking styles of the State Qi and State Lu…
Mapo Tofu is the typical dish in Chuan Cuisine. Bean curd being the staple ingredients, its taste is fittingly described…
泡腊八蒜是北方尤其是华北地区的一个习俗。腊八蒜顾名思义, 就是在腊八这天泡制的蒜。其做法十分简单,就是将剥了皮的蒜瓣儿放到一个可以密封的罐子里,然后倒入醋,密封后放置于阴凉处。泡在醋中的蒜慢慢地就会变得通体碧绿,如同碧玉。腊八蒜味道独特, 是吃饺子的最佳佐料,拌凉菜时也可以用。 Soaking La Ba garlic is a custom in the north. On the day of La Ba festival,…
乌龙茶又名青茶,属半发酵茶类。基本工艺过程是晒青、晾青、播青、杀青,揉捻、干燥。乌龙茶的品质特点是,既具有绿茶的清香和花香,又具有红茶醇厚的滋味。乌龙茶种类因茶树品种的特异性而形成各自独特的风味,产地不同,品质差异也十分显着。Oolong tea, also named green tea, is a semi-fermented tea. Its basic producing process is sun drying, air drying, selecing,…
黑茶属于后发酵茶,是我国特有的茶类,它的出现距今已有四百多年的历史。由于黑茶的原料比较粗老,制造过程中往往要堆积发酵较长时间,所以叶片大多呈现暗褐色,因此被人们称为“黑茶”。Dark tea belongs to Post-fermented tea group, a special type of tea from China. It has a history of over…